Lesson 9: Stretching Your Food Dollars

Using The Food Trust’s Heart Smarts curriculum, our nutrition educator gives you tips on how to shop healthy on a budget.

There’s a quick taste test or recipe in every video, so be sure to watch till the end!

After you watch the video, please complete a quick 5-minute survey to help us improve our program.

Heart Smarts Survey FY25

Now that you've watched one of our nine lessons, complete a quick survey to help us evaluate our program! Please be honest — there are no right or wrong answers. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.

Is this the first time you attended a SNAP-Ed class this program year (since October 1, 2024)?(Required)
City where you live:

Race (check all that apply):(Required)
Are there children under the age of 18 in your household?(Required)
Have you or other members of your household participated in any of the following programs in the last year? You may select more than one option.
It is easy to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in my neighborhood.
During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat vegetables?
Where do you typically get fresh fruits and vegetables?

What do you think about eating healthier foods (fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, low-sodium, reduced sugar, high calcium foods)?
In the past month, have you made any of the following changes? Select all that apply.
What topics related to nutrition and physical activity would you like to learn more about? Check all that apply.
I learned something today.
I can use what I learned today.
I would come back again for another lesson.

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